
Hello, 2014!

Desember 31, 2013

goodbye 2013

For all of humankind above the Earth.

(Well, if you live underground, please… make yourselves visible.)

happy new year 20114


Lady in Waiting

Desember 17, 2013

ordinary one

If there is a damsel in distress, then there will be a prince who would save her.

If there is a heroine, then a hero will come to her to be her partner.

But my life is not a story written in paper or a romantic drama who played by beautiful actors and actress.

There was no internal conflict or a war between countries, just a plain one like a grey color wall.

I am just an ordinary girl who longing for my destined man.

I am not looking for my own prince or hero, but just an ordinary man like me who would be by my side till death do us part.

I know who I am, so I would not daydreaming or hoping that my story would be extraordinary.

I just longing for someone. Someone who would end my story to a happily ever after.


Our Desires As Big As The Earth Itself

September 24, 2013


There are more films showing their antagonist who would changing the exist system right now, or take over the world with destroying it, or uniting the world with a war to make people share their pains and sufferings. I was think that is the horrible and evil thing to do. But now… I feel that is the coolest thing to do (that’ s what would God do soon).

Human was the greedy beings, and that is RIGHT.

Salary 1.2M is not enough, so increase it to be 2.2M. Then, 3.7M. Don’t you see our ministers who’s have more than us but still being a corruptor?

Human would never be satisfied, and that is RIGHT.

Look the higher up people in our country. One car is not enough if  no sporty cars in their garage, or if their children doesn’t have one. Well, when you got the ticket, you just need to negotiate with the police.

Just a pair of trendy bag and shoes were not enough, mix-matching it with colourful dress was important.

One houses is not enough, if you have second house like villa or mansion for 2nd wife, 3rd wife or 31st wife?

Human always think that he/she is the right one, and that is… RIGHT isnt’ it?

A group of religious believers committed anarchists, considered by other religions as their dogma. Someone who did despicable deeds, then wearing a religious identity is considered as corrupt part of their dogma.

Man who spread corruption on earth, but their religion was to blame, their God was to blame. Don’t you think God deserve to wrath?

The earth is full, it is very crowded with people and their countless desires. But aren’t both of us waited for the destruction of the world to determine who’s the CORRECT one? Where humans eventually become inhabitants of hell and just little parts who would go to heaven.

We both know, who would became the inhabitants of hell, don’t we?


We Wait A Truthful Leader

September 17, 2013


Lyric of Indonesia Pusaka

Indonesia, tanah air beta. Pusaka, abadi nan jaya.

Indonesia, sejak dulu kala. Selalu dipuja-puja bangsa.

Disana, tempat lahir beta. Dibuai, dibesarkan bunda.

Tempat berlindung dihari tua. Sampai akhir menutup mata.

—I almost cry when I sing this song one year ago in front of my classmate.

When I saw and read news about our brothers and sisters in Egypt, I remember when I was an Elementary student while Reformation 1998 begun.  I saw on television when all young generation stick together to overthrow an incumbent leader at time.

I still remember their face; Anas Urbaningrum, Amien Rais, Megawati, Gus Dur, Adnan Buyung Nasution and others who I (sorry) forget. I still remember them because their face always on headline news. But unfortunately, now not on patriotic one, but on headline news that made me chagrin.

I grown up to be an apathetic person to this future nation. I never use my suffrage and never come to TPS (a place to put a vote) because I didn’t feel their patriotism even their faces spread up on poster and billboard.

Now everyone could talk on social media or newspaper comment column. Some people laughed one down, and another bolstering up. I am happy, Reformation giving us a chance to sound out aloud our premise. But whenever election begun, I still keep my apathy. Fraudulence, curiosity, fast buck, all of those game covering the real aspiration. After they vote, what do they got? Disaffection, right?

But look up today. The hearts of citizen driven by faith. They believe THERE ARE leader who COULD BE TRUST, THERE ARE leader who COULD BE LOVED AND PROUD OF by their hearts, THERE ARE leader who would CHANGE them to be BETTER.

Look to every comment column, people supported their leader who’s down to earth, who’s rushed to opposite classical rules. And conservative groups said, ‘He/she is not a nationalist. Rules not to be broken.’ Don’t you see the rulers maker? They are people who hate changes, they didn’t want to move. They choose to stick with their comfortable position and ignoring all.

Look to every comment column, people deprecate all party who’s entangled in corruption. Proved or not, people no more blind. They could see that rulers just kiss away their money to bought new sporty car, land right, canvassed for election fund and pay for room service of female collegian.

Election 2014 is momentarily. I’m sure Indonesian citizen more clever, but I still longs like them. Waiting for a leader who would alter us, unite our mind and change this nation better.

We, longs for you…



Unofficial Sponsor : Oishi Sponge

September 16, 2013

Weekend, tapi kamu males buat hang out? Coba habisin waktu kamu dengan nonton dirumah. Ambil flashdisk berisi kopian film bajakan yang baru di-download dari situs film gratis, lalu hubungkan dengan televisimu. Duduk manis di sofa atau tiduran diatas karpet ditambah cemilan pasti manthaaaab…

Oishi Sponge

Perkenalkan, Oishi Sponge. Crackers berbentuk bulat dengan tekstur seperti sponge yang diselimuti coklat tebal. Renyah dan langsung lumer dimulut. Porsinya yang besar cocok buat rame-rame.

Buat kamu-kamu yang ingin tahu gimana cara menikmati Oishi Sponge ini, silakan ikuti petunjuknya.

1. Siapkan flashdisk berisi film bajakan gratis, atau kalau mau yang lebih mantap, DVD player plus DVD film original (agak mahal dikit nih). Saya nggak yakin kalau kalian semua punya home theater exclusive, jadi DVD player cukuplah.

2. Ada televisi layar datar ukuran 29″ keatas. Kalau bisa yang LED, kalau bisa yang bermerk, dan kalau bisa yang ada colokan flashdisk-nya (ini yang paling penting). Saya nggak yakin kalau televisi layar cekungnya Sony atau Samsung sudah dipasarkan di Indonesia.

3. Sofa yang empuk atau air bed atau karpet persia (sekalian yang mahal). Seandainya semua itu tidak ada, tikar mushola atau kasur busa juga masih diperbolehkan.

4. Mangkuk (bowl) kaca atau plastik.

Nah, setelah semua oke silakan tuangkan Oishi Sponge kedalam mangkuk dan duduk manis atau tiduran didepan televisi lalu sepuluh detik kemudian film dimulai. End

Oh, ada varian Oishi yang lain lho. Ada Oishi stik udang pedas, Oishi Pillows yang punya empat rasa, coklat, keju, durian dan ubi. Semuanya sudah pasti, Oishiiii….


PS: Di Jakarta Oishi hanya ditemukan di GrandLucky Superstore, kalau di Carefour atau Lottemart sudah pasti nihil. Kalau nggak salah di 7/11 juga ada lho. Selamat membeli.